Monday, March 1, 2010

Blog Twelve (In-class Blog)

After receiving the feedback from Dr. Chandler I realized my focus was unclear and needed to be changed. Using her feedback, I gave it some thought and realized that writing was always a reflection of who I was but, it just changed as I changed. So, I made my focus convey that same message, which (hopefully) allowed my narrative to make a little bit more sense. Interestingly enough, most of my stories already conveyed this message, so I didn't really need to edit or add any clarifications to help them change my focus. Using the feedback given, I decided to add a story about how my dad turned me into a perfectionist and at first, I wasn't sure where to put it. At first, I just threw it in the beginning so it'll go along with my chronological theme. But, when I reread it, it just didn't flow and I realized it fit better later in my narrative when I first started talking about editing and my need for perfection. The last major editing I made was with my conclusion. I completely wiped out my whole conclusion, aside from the last sentence (because I did really like it). I changed it by shortening it and sweetening it up.

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