Sunday, April 18, 2010

Blog Twenty

Personal Statement

It definitely still needs work, especially the ending and summing everything up. I kept reading a bunch of sample nursing personal statements and all of them have to do with their experience, and since I'm deeply lacking in that criteria, I did the best with what I had.

Growing up, my mom spent majority of her time at the hospital taking care of kids other than her own. As a kid, I resented her job as a nurse and the cruel, long hours she worked. It probably wasn’t until my senior year in high school did I realize that the extensive hours were just a sign of her dedication and the “graveyard” shift was an indication of her diligence. Sadly, only a year ago I really appreciated these qualities my mom possess and my interest in nursing arose. After spending countless hours researching career paths in this field, my heart set on the job of a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner.

The credentials to become a Nurse Practitioner seem almost as excruciating as it is to be a doctor. One needs to not only have the discipline to excel at school, but needs to possess the same qualities my mother holds, dedication and drive, to outweigh the job’s pressures. All three characteristics, I bear. Looking over my transcript, I’ve never shied away from taking challenging classes, such as Anatomy and Physiology, Chemistry (I and II), Calculus, and Cell Biology, and overcoming them. I have a relatively high GPA for a student in my major and this can only come through sheer hard work, determination, and self-control. I know what it takes to get done to succeed, so I do everything in my power to make sure the outcome is favorable. I also take part in a national community outreach program, Big Brother Big Sister, and once a week, I dedicate my time to improve the life of a young girl. I sit down with my “little” every Friday afternoon and either play games, help her out with her homework, or just spend the afternoon talking. The difference I can make in one life just as mentor can multiply as a Nurse Practitioner.

In this field, I am able to utilize and expand most of the qualities I already own. My dedication and determination can enrich and my sufficient volunteer experience makes me a great candidate for my future profession.

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