Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Blog 6

The writing process for my literacy narrative was pretty unusual, compared to the way I typically go about writing. There wasn't any planning or organization, a small amount of freewriting, and (surprisingly) very little editing. Maybe because this piece was centered on me, writing it came not only naturally, but very comfortably. My prewriting stage consisted mostly of answering the prompts, but unfortunately, I didn't get much out of it (probably due to the fact that I changed my focus last minute). However, the prompts really did help me retrieve a few memories that once escaped me. The writing stage itself contained my usual habits. My biggest writing quirk is the time of day I write. I do my best writing after midnight, when there's guaranteed to be nothing on TV and no one is up for me to talk to. Virtually, there aren't any distractions, just my laptop (Facebook does provide a small distraction), myself, and a small cup of coffee. So, it was nothing new when I woke up at 1 after the Superbowl madness to do my writing.

Normally, I go all out and get a bit crazy when I get to the revising stage (What can I say? editing really does make me happy). But, maybe since it was three in the morning and my brain couldn't function anymore, I was oddly laid-back about editing at that point. I knew my narrative wasn't perfect, but I felt the minute I fixed a sentence (or even a word for that matter), my OCD was going to kick in, and soon enough - the whole narrative was going to get shredded to pieces.

I do plan on editing like a madman this weekend and I will definitely enjoy it!

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